Zhejiang Forwon Plate Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd

主营行业:Copper Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, BPHE
公司类型:Co Ltd
公司规模:100 above
销售产品:Copper Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, BPHE

Shape the world's leading brand system, technical development system, production system and quality guarantee system, professional differentiation market development strategy.

Create a continuous win-win platform, Promote and explore their own value and potential, Finally get harvest!

In 2008, the successful introduction of heat exchanger project.In October, heat transfer suppliers created.- May successful R & D and production.

In September, through the ISO9001, ISO14001 quality environment dual system certification.December 2009, four patents for product inventions; the industry's most complete product specifications. January 2010, through the EU CE (PED 97/23 / EC) certification, in October, the United States through the Canadian UL certification.Products to enter the international market, bulk exports in Europe and America, Southeast Asia and other markets.

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Zhejiang Forwon Plate Heat Exchanger Co., Ltd

  • Asia-China
  • 上次登录 2019-11-13
  • forwon (Mr.)  
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